Beyond Buckthorns - the regenerative permaculture homestead in rural Finland
A life beyond sea buckthorns. A journey into regenerative gardening, agroecology, permaculture, biogas and food in rural Finland, Laitikkala - Pälkäne.
Come visit!
All visits must either be part of the course or help us with some tasks.
Please contact us in advance - at least one week before.
Study permaculture!
Are you interested in a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design? Then Nick could be your tutor!
Be a Wwoofer!
Wwoof = World wide opportunity in organic farming.
You want to help us in our garden or with projects?
Support our efforts
In 2022, we founded Vihreä Pourusmäki RY - an association for rural development.
With hosts that are so warm and knowledgeable, the PDC at Beyond Buckthorns is magical. Discussions of all sorts, friendships begin to flourish.
DIY Biogas movie
In 2023 Nick released his documentary "Holy Shit - a journey into DIY biogas".
Latest news
PermaPuheet vol. 4 videos are available for free
The recordings of PermaPuheet Volume 4 are finally available to the public, offering a valuable resource for those interested in permaculture and sustainable living.
Permaculture design for ethical decision making regarding email
Permaculture design can be used to design anything. Permaculture design doesn’t stop with the garden gate.
The age of Digital Permaculture
Digital Permaculture extends the current understanding of permaculture into the digital space.
About us and our permaculture homestead
Beyond Buckthorns is a homestead and education centre. In the past years, we have worked on the old log house and its three-hectare plot in accordance with sustainability, esp. the principles of permaculture.