Permaculture Design Course (PDC) 2022
For the 2024 PDC check the details at the Permaculture Design Course 2024 page.
Beyond Buckthorns’ Lumia and Dominik invite you to the 2022 PDC at their homestead!
Tervetuloa PDC - permakulttuurikurssille meille BeyondBuckthornsin kotitilalle, Pirkanmaalle!
About the PDC
The PDC, permaculture design certificate course, is a 72 hour course that will cover all aspects of permaculture, giving you a wide understanding of what permaculture is and how to use it in your own life. The curriculum follows the guidelines detailed by Bill Mollison in his book “Designers Manual”. The course will touch all elements required by the UK Permaculture association - outlined in their “Core curriculum”. The internationally recognized certificate is accredited by the Finnish Permaculture Association upon completion of the course.
The course is a low carbon footprint course – you will be camping, eat locally sourced food (as much as possible during this time of the year), use energy created from solar panels, water heated from solar heating, etc..
Our Focus
While we touch different aspects to create a regenerative human settlement, our main context at Beyond Buckthorns is homesteading. Dominik is the leading expert in DIY biogas in Finland and currently the only available PDC teacher who has years of practical experience with the Finnish climate.
What you will learn
In 72 hours you learn about ethics, principles, design tools, soil, water, energy, social aspects and much more. Techniques and concepts like food forests, herb spirals and passive solar heating will be only few amongst many in your repertoire as a permaculture designer at the end of this course.
Course details
The 72 hours are split over 12 days. There is one free day in the middle of the course.
Place: Beyond Buckthorns, Kuisemantie 150, 36660 Laitikkala
Main Tutor: Dominik Jais
Co-Tutors: Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais, Dan McTiernan, Kalle Nikkanen, Anton Nordqvist confirmed
Price: 790,- € (incl. vat 24%)
Date: 10th of June 2022 to 22nd of June 2022
The course includes
- 3 meals a day (vegetarian)
- coffee breaks (and sometimes even cake)
- a spot to pitch a tent
- Access to shower, facilities & sauna
- Teaching materials
- International Permaculture Design Certificate upon completion of the course
- Practical workshops
- Opportunity to spend time on a versatile permaculture site
- and often life-long friendships and life-changing experiences!
- You have to bring your own tent, sleeping mat and sleeping bag– or coordinate sharing a tent. Also plan for rain!
The course is limited to a maximum of 10 people and the minimum is 6. If the minimum number can’t be reached the course will be canceled and deposits will be paid back. As of May '22 the course will happen and there is one cancellation spot open, so act fast!
Course language is English. Dominik also speaks German. Lumia also speaks Finnish.
Sign-up / Payment
The sign-up form will close on the 10th of May. The course fee has to be paid 2 weeks before the course – latest 27th of May.
In order to secure your spot a deposit of 25% of the course fee is necessary. You will receive an invoice after your sign-up.
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
Lyhyesti suomeksi
PDC-kurssi eli 72 tunnin permakulttuurikurssi BeyondBuckthornsin kotitilalla Pälkäneellä 10.-22.6.2022
Kouluttajina Dominik Jais sekä Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais, Dan McTiernan, Kalle Nikkanen ja Anton Nordqvist
Kurssimaksu 790 € / hlö sisältäen koulutuksen, materiaalit, ruuat ja iltapäiväkahvit, telttailupaikan ja fasiliteetit sekä kansainvälisen PDC-sertifikaatin koulutuksen lopuksi. Ilmoittaudu pian, muutama paikka vielä vapaana! Kurssi on englanniksi. Ilmoittaudu tai kysy lisää (myös suomeksi) perma [at] (perma[at]beyondbuckthorns[dot]com) Tervetuloa!