Raised beds offer several advantages over traditional in-ground gardening

  • Soil quality: Because raised beds can be filled with a mixture of high-quality soil and compost, they can provide superior growing conditions for plants, resulting in healthier, more productive crops.
  • Drainage: Raised beds provide excellent drainage, which can be especially important in areas with heavy clay soils or poor drainage.
  • Accessibility: Because raised beds are elevated, they can be easier to access for gardening, which can be especially helpful for gardeners with mobility issues or disabilities.
  • Pest control: Raised beds can help to reduce pest problems, as the physical barrier created by the raised bed can help to keep pests such as snails, slugs, and gophers from accessing the plants.
  • Space savings: Raised beds can be a great solution for gardeners with limited space, as they can be designed to fit in small areas and can be used to grow crops in densely packed arrangements.

Raised beds can be a great option for gardeners who want to improve soil quality, promote better drainage, and maximize growing space. Whether used in a small urban garden or a large farm operation, raised beds can be a productive and efficient way to grow a wide range of crops.

Raised beds at Beyond Buckthorns

We have several raised beds at Beyond Buckthorns, especially in Zone 1 in front of the house. They are usually made out of charcoald wood. Some of them are hot beds.