Articles tagged with gardening

Growing Hazelnuts in Finland

Hazelnut bushes are lovely deciduous shrubs that are indigenous to Europe and Asia. They are part of the Corylus genus and can grow anywhere from 1.8 to 10 meters in height, depending on the type. These speedy growers usually have a lifespan of…

Bringing the Onions In

Sunday the 21st was the day of the day of bringing in the onions. Onions? Great scott! Onions! Yes, we planted a lots of them months ago. But let's not talk about history. Back in the future it is the time to harvest them. And that's what we did… more

New Berry on the Block

A few days back my friend came to visit and brought a young blackberry plant as a housewarming present. What joy!

What I Made with my Black Currants

On our premises we have many different berry bushes, including red, white, black and green currants. Most of our currants are red and black, so we do get quite a lot of harvest of these kinds.

The Corn And the Storm

And there are those day you really struggle with nature. On Wednesday it was heavy raining and in addition to the rain the wind blew pretty heavy.

The Red Currants are Coming In

Finaly the red currants made their way into our home. We have many bushes arround the premises but two of them are really big. It took a lot of time to pick one entire bush. And what do we make out of them? That's coming next!