Articles tagged with event


The PermaPuheet is a design for a series of lectures for the Finnish Permaculture Association. It was well received by many members and helped to more than double the number of members within 3 month.

Inspiration and Learning at the Permaculture Association Fall Event

As you may know, both of us are Finnish Permaculture Association actives since its creation in 2016.

Kevätmessut 2018 Experiences

Better late than never, right? The Kevätmessut fair took place 12. - 15.04.2018 and I am only now writing about it. But I thought it would be a shame not to write, so here it is.

An afternoon with the Finnish Permaculture community

On the 21st of April the Finnish Permaculture Association (FPA) hosted "Permakulttuuri Nyt!" at Annala in Helsinki. About 50 - 60 permaculture enthusiast were present during the event. A lot of interesting and inspiring talks were given in… more