Benefits of apple juice:

  • Apple juice is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins C, A, and E, as well as a variety of B vitamins. It also contains important minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Apple juice may support a healthy immune system. The vitamins and minerals in apple juice can help to support the immune system and keep it functioning properly.
  • Apple juice may promote healthy skin and hair. The vitamins and minerals in apple juice can help to support healthy skin and hair, and may help to prevent dryness and other common skin and hair problems.
  • Apple juice may support healthy digestion. The fiber in apple juice can help to promote healthy digestion and may help to prevent constipation and other digestive problems.
  • Apple juice may help to maintain a healthy weight. Because it is low in calories and fat, apple juice can be a good choice for people who are trying to maintain a healthy weight. However, it is important to remember that apple juice also contains sugar, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Articles tagged with applejuice

A Day at the Apple Juice Makers

This has been an extraordinarily good apple year. We have some apple trees in our garden, one of which made a huge harvest. Alone this tree grows more apples than we are both able to eat as fruit and in cakes. I like apple juice very much, but… more