Articles tagged with diy

Holy Shit - a journey into DIY Biogas - documentary is now live on Youtube

The US DIY biogas community thrives with numerous individual projects tackling the increasingly pressing subject of energy and food independence. "Holy Shit - A Journey into DIY Biogas" is a captivating documentary which portraits the world of… more

Building a Bokashi bucket

Bokashi is one of the the hot topics that I came across in 2017. I actually came across it looking for EM, Effective Microorganisms. In 2018 I looked for Bokashi buckets but could only find those from Japan that come with a price tag of… more

We Decided to Make Joghurt at Home

In December we were staying in Germany for Christmas and during that time we had a discussion with my parents about Finnish joghurt. If you were ever used to German joghurt you will only like some of the Finnish joghurts, perhaps the one liter… more